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(Specialty warm-up: 10 bench press @ 1/2 BW/ 40% of 2RM + 2/1000 @ top, 10 suitcase lunge @ light, 5 rocking chair w/ bumper plate)

Bench press:

1 x 5 @ 60% of 2RM

2 x 5 @ (up to) 80% of 2RM 2 x 5 @ 70%, each with full, stopped 5/1000 @ top 1 x 10 @ 60%, each with a full, stopped 2/1000 in lock out

Rest reasonably between sets. If a set requires interruption, make as minor a weight adjustment as needed prior to the next. When scheme is listed as “2 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and organized execution always govern weight, and “locked out” always includes a rigid and aggressive stop of motion. Today: Perform 10 mace 360 (or 6 light kettlebell halo) and 5 push-up immediately following each set of bench press, and rest as needed after the three movements are complete. If 5 perfect push-up are old news- and be careful not to kid yourself here- then switch the anchor, add a "pop at the top", intelligently adapt position, and make them tougher.

Then, 5 rounds of: 10 Kettlebell suitcase lunge @ (minimum) 1/2 BW 10 Rocking chair @ (up to) 1/4 BW (use any implement that allows for safe and powerful reps)

100 Jumprope (Sprint, not a jog... we'd rather risk a miss than game a finish... )

:20 sec. rest/ assessment/ adjustment (pay attention, adjust to match, and then, do it again) Move and pause in organized positions. Hustle in transition, take no rest outside of the designated duration, and adjust weight as needed if position breaks in either movement. Today, if we don't need the rest, we under-lifted, under-worked, or both.

And then, “Time under tension”:

1 minute plank hold @ as close to bodyweight as possible, loaded over low back/ hips

15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ 100% + 250 Jumprope (timed, improved) +

50 hollow rock @ 25lb. W, 35lb. M +

15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool down pace

Note: In addition to improving conditioning and composure, the goal of timing the sprint + jumprope is also in grooming and sharpening our strategic and transitional abilities; There should be as few steps as humanly possible taken off the bike and into the jumprope. Adding :10/ :15 seconds in transition in a sub-three-minute piece is a total waste! Don't do it.

Please and thank you.

Hollow rock: Take short rest as needed, and accept no sub-standard reps Airdyne: Cool-down pace should look like 30-40% of max RPM.


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