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Price vs. Cost
- Start Here
Phase #01
65$One time- Movement assessment, refinement, improvement:
- Here, we lay the groundwork
- and set the foundation on
- which all else is built.
- Everyone starts here, and
- will be glad they did so.
Phase #02
50$Every monthAvailable upon completion and validation of Phase #01- Where the rubber meets the road:
- Access to our primary and accessory programs
- Communication with instructors
- Detailed instruction and proprietary content
- Strength, power, positioning, conditioning
Phase #03
35$Every monthAdditional programming when required for specific outcomes.- Higher expectations, endless progress:
- Deeper water, sharper details
- Access to all programs
- Continued access to instructors
- Increased focus on “Odd Lifts', power dexterity,
- and presentation of performance
Phase #01 is a one-time fee. Phase #02 and #03 are subscriptions.
Subscription plans are auto-renewed monthly on the date you purchased the plan. Plans are valid until cancelled. Plans do not automatically cancel with you upgrade, we do that manually.
For more information please see our Terms & Conditions
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