(Specialty warm-up: 5 heavy kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch (find the "moment of clarity", 10 empty bar hang power clean)
Power clean/ Kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch:
7 x 5 @ (up to) 85% of power clean 2RM
Rest reasonably between sets. Use set #1, and possibly #2, to climb to scheme-based potential. Focus on position, violence of action, and fluidity; Take time, make positional adjustments as needed, and adjust weight accordingly. When scheme is listed as “7 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
Today, use either variation (or a combination of) to complete each set. Goal is organized, widely-transferable, powerful ground-to-shoulder mechanics; Implement should be interchangeable.
Then, 9 rounds of:
3 Goblet squat@ as heavy as possible in each set
1 Chin-up + 3/1000 hold@ top
:30 sec. rest
Perform an organized, dynamic kettlebell high pull into an aggressive“catch”in the standard Goblet position(hands on side of handles, forearms driven into sides of kettlebell). Brace, squat, and re-trace steps to the ground. Adjust weight by round as position and execution dictate; Position considered, do not under-lift.
Single chin-up should be scaled to full ability in each round; Put in what you expect to get out. One, only equals“just”, if you make it so.
And then, “Time under tension”: 2 x :45 sec. hollow *rock*, each interval ending with a rocking chair to standing + 3 x :30 sec. plank hold, each interval ending with 3 hard, fast, organized "Floor-to-feet" + 10-calorie Airdyne sprint (today, 3 x, with :20 sec. between each... stay on bike.. ) + 15 calorie Airdyne cool-down 15 cat/ cow stretch Check in- and request that other do the same- for "Time under tension". How we accessorize, insulate, perform when fatigued, and recover will govern how we perform in the primary training, and in necessary capacities outside of it. Thank you.