(Specialty warm-up: 2L, 2R kettlebell halo + 5/1000 extension, 5 weighted rocking chair, 50 mountain climber)
10 Sled drag/ pull (20 yd. @ BW)
“Drag” = forward, “Pull” = backward. Today, alternate drag with pull each trip, totaling 5 of each. If bodyweight does not seem like a challenge for 10 x 20 yd. trips, congratulations.
Move harder, and make it one.
Then, attentively and aggressively, 10 rounds of:
4 Kettlebell halo + extension @ self-scaled, adjusted by round as needed
2 Pull-up
2 Chin-up
2 Dip
4 Inchworm
:20 sec. rest/ assessment
All movements are scaled to full ability in each round; Put in what you expect to get out, while also assessing and adjusting accordingly after having done so.
Keep rest to designated placement/ duration, and remember that speed is never a substitute for form (or range of motion).
And then:
Sprint of 1/4 bodyweight in calories on Airdyne/ equivalent
1/4 bodyweight in rocking chair @ (minimum) 15lb. W, 25lb. M
1/4 bodyweight in Abmat sit-up @ 1/4 BW
1/4 bodyweight: Exactly 25% of what your body currently weighs. Check, don’t guess. You will always guess low.
Indulge any transitional impulses/ needs you have (arms only, arms + legs, legs only, underhand grip… ) except the one telling you to stop.
If you stop: Exit the bike, next person starts, you re-start from the beginning- no matter where you were in the process. Mind your mind, complete the task; Finishing spent is far better than starting twice.
And finally “Time under tension”:
One-minute farmer hold @ minimum one interval above BW +
2 x 10 Kettlebell Sumo deadlift @ accurate, useful +
5 x 15 Hollow rock (maximum :20 sec. between sets) +
15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ not fast, not lazy