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(Specialty warm-up: 5 Kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch, 5 rocking chair, jumping pull-up review) Kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch: 10 x 3 @ as heavy as possible in each Focus in this movement variation is a powerful, dynamic kettlebell high pull transitioning into an organized and aggressive “catch” in the standard Goblet position (hands on side of handles, forearms driven into sides of kettlebell). Today, hold each rep for an organized, stopped 3/1000, quickly re-position hands, and re-trace steps to the ground. There is no "hinge" in the up- or- down of a kettlebell high pull. Adjust weight by round as position and execution dictate. Then: Benchmark “Duende“- 7:48 (Catharsis– “Passion”) 6 Rocking chair 6 Strict or kicking* pull-up (Or 9 jumping pull-up) 6 Straight jump Complete as many rounds and partials as possible in 7:48, and note results. Keep a violent pace and laser-focus; Benchmark is not supposed to be easy or casual. Both rocking chair and straight jump may be weighted with bumper plate (10lb. W, 15lb. M) if it improves position. *"Kicking" is different than "kipping". Kicking is straight-up and straight-down, more like swimming hard to the top of the water while head remains neutral and eyes remain forward. Kipping is a giant, often disorganized open/ close that relies so much on momentum that it can no longer be considered a pull-up. Neither variation should be used until at least 5 organized dead-hang pull-ups are in your toolbox. And then: Sprint of 1/4 bodyweight in calories on Airdyne/ equivalent 1/4 bodyweight: Exactly 25% of what your body currently weighs. Check, don’t guess. You will always guess low. Indulge any transitional impulses/ needs you have (arms only, arms + legs, legs only, underhand grip… ) except the one telling you to stop. If you stop: Exit the bike, next person starts, you re-start from the beginning, no matter where you were in the process. Mind your mind, complete your task; Finishing spent is far better than starting twice. While waiting for a bike, and :60 sec. after completion of calories until all others are finished: Accumulate sets of 10 "Prison" walking lunge + 5 push-up + 5/1000 reset Move steadily and specifically; Keep rest to designated duration, and mind mechanics, even in fatigue. Push-up: If mechanics or range of motion fail, scale accordingly to ensure both progress and safety; Leave the ego out of the equation- excellent, scaled push-ups are far better than crappy, broken “unscaled” ones.

If no waiting is required, please complete 5 sets of the above prior to the ride, and 5 immediately after. Thank you.

And finally, "Time under tension": 2 x 10 Kettlebell Sumo deadlift @ challenging, accurate, useful + 2 x 1 minute full-effort hollow rock/ hold + 15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool-down pace 15 cat/ cow stretch


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