(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell front squat, 5L, 5R kettlebell row)
7 rounds of:
5 Double kettlebell front squat
5L, 5R Kettlebell bent-over row
Rest as needed between sets. Today, weight in both movements is self-scaled and should pose a significant challenge. If a set requires interruption, make as minor a weight adjustment as possible prior to the next.
Front squat: Remember that where the hands function best on our face is variable- the fact that they live there, is not. Torso position/ broad chest governs weight. We KNOW you can squat more for a few turtle-shell reps if they're down lower. Got it. That is a different game for a different day/ tool/ scheme. Fists on face; Height and width is governed by arm length. Please and thank you.
Kettlebell bent-over row: Each round is to be as heavy as possible for uninterrupted reps in non-negotiable, stationary "Good Morning" hinge position; Weight stays off the ground! No "bounce/ pull"!
Reminder: “Scaled to ability” is not a statement or concept that should elicit a sense of relief; Quite the opposite. It should prompt attention and effort that walks the border of safety and self-destruction. Anything less will not lead to suitable progress.
Then, 7 minutes of:
7 Squat @ 25lb./ 35lb. W, 35lb./ 45lb. M (bumper plate held @ chest level)
7 Push-up
Squat + bumper plate: Aggressive posture, thorough, challenging range of motion, and crisp pace all play equal parts in the value of this drill; Move quickly, move correctly. No designated rest here- If needed, keep it short and specific (3 breaths or less). And then, "Time under tension": Plank hold @ minimum 1/2 BW
10 Rocking chair +
(Minimum) 25 High-quality sit-ups (V-up, hollow rock, or 360- whichever we need the most, or have done the least!) +
15 cat/ cow stretch +
15 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent cool-down If time reaches two minutes in plank hold, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes. Note: Today, add a minimum of 1/2 bodyweight in bumper plates/ sandbags across lower back starting at top of tailbone. Goal today is enough weight to allow stability for intervals of between :20 – :30 sec., with quick resets. As usual, and unless designated otherwise, 'Time under Tension' holds are two minutes.