(Specialty warm-up: 10 kettlebell Figure-8, 20 mace front pendulum)
5 rounds of:
20 Kettlebell Figure-8 @ as heavy as possible in each round
10 Kettlebell halo - extension @ challenging and uninterrupted in each round (today- 10 extensions from ONE halo)
If kettlebell Figure-8 is not yet in your toolbox, or is too light or clunky to be useful, adjust to challenging 1-arm kettlebell swing; Kettlebell Figure-8 is best viewed and strategized as a lateral or rotational kettlebell swing; If the hinge position does not transfer seamlessly to it, adjust, or... adjust.
Please note today’s adjustment to kettlebell halo - extension. Set up each lift like it’s heavy, and lock out with authority; No lazy lifts, no soft finishes, no "push press". Statue from the ribs-down. If done correctly, this will likely be lighter than you imagine at the designated scheme.
Reminder: Wrists are straight, exactly as they are in a kettlebell press! Wrist straight- NOT, angle of the weight- denotes sound lock-out/ finish position. Forcing the wrist straight is part of the challenge, and the value.
Then, 5 rounds of:
5L, 5R Mace shovel
5L, 5R Mace 360
10 Mace squat (performed with same weight as 360, and beginning at end of 10th swing)
:30 sec. rest/ assessment
Each set of each movement should be as heavy as possible/ available. Position is earned with practice, and "as heavy as possible" designations are earned with position.
No guesswork, no bro-reps, no lazy lifts.
Mechanical, standardized execution and ranges of motion; Each good rep should look the same. Squat standards do not change with a mace in-hand, or with fatigue in play.
Reminder: Top-to-bottom hand matters in all mace lifts and swings- even the squat! Practice all variations, and apply them in a balanced way. Bottom hand demand is different, and building each is important.
And then, “Time under tension”:
25 Kettlebell Good Morning @ self-scaled and challenging (10 + 10 + 5) +
50 1-arm or hand-to-hand kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M (10 x 5L, 5R) +
15 cat/ cow stretch
Kettlebell swing: If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.