Reminder prior to beginning this training week: If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so!
Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you! Additionally, no matter the pace at which we are improving, there are most certainly things that are not doing so as quickly as others; Identify them, assess them, improve them- And ask for our help! Please and thank you. Lastly: We observe more clearly each week that skill work- deliberate, detail-oriented, quality-over-volume skill work- is the most significant difference between those that do well, and those that truly do their very best; Ongoing progress is only limited by our willingness to keep hunting it. ________________________ THIS WEEK: Accumulate a minimum of 50 Airplane push-up, in small, hard, accurate sets, outside of the framework of the training day. Make sure hands are under your chest- not under your shoulders, brace on the ground (or at whatever height is required to perform excellent reps), and demand your body moving as ONE PIECE all the way up, and all the way down. No wiggling, no chicken-necks. Thank you. ALSO THIS WEEK: Please place deliberate focus on and provide directive towards fully braced, knees-out, and violent (with heels down) explosion out of the bottom of all level-change; All hinge and squat variations included. One of the only "negatives" of effectively constructing midline stability in the ways that we do, is that many are able to ascend without the appropriate bracing or violence of action, simply because they are strong enough to pull it off; Just because we can does not mean we should. Especially and always in areas where it may increase risk or limit potential! Thank you. ______________________________________ 50:01 (Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell front squat @ (minimum) 1/4 BW, 3L, 3R kettlebell push press) Front squat/ Double kettlebell front squat: 1 x 5 @ 65% of 2RM 3 x 5 @ (up to) 85% 1 x 10 @ 65% 1 x 15 @ 50% of 2RM (as double kettlebell front squat) Rest reasonably between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “3 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight, and below parallel is not a suggestion. Always in-play, and yet always worth mentioning: Select the implement that allows for movement of the most weight, in the best position. For some, it will be a barbell; For others, it will not. Where the weight is loaded- and the specificity and intensity with which it is moved- are far more important than what the weight *is*. Having more than one progress-minded option in your toolbox is never a disadvantage. Thank you. Then: 20 Kettlebell press (5 x 2L, 2R) @ up to 1/2 BW, each rep with a full, stopped 2/1000 overhead 20 Kettlebell floor press (5 x 2L, 2R) @ as heavy a possible, each rep with a full, stopped 2/1000 lock-out 200 Jumprope 20 Kettlebell halo + extension @ (up to) 1/2 of heaviest above 200 Jumprope Pressing weight is scaled to ability, and should allow for challenging, organized, uninterrupted sets at chosen scheme; Brief rest as needed between complete sets; Anti-rest during jumprope. Additionally, "locked-out” is a non-negotiable position, neither in press nor halo + extension. Work hard, mind the details, finish each rep with authority, and leave no doubt. Kettlebell floor press: Tracking hand is not a suggestion- It is a safety net and an accountability booster; Use it. And then, immediately, 1 Tabata interval (:20 sec. work/ :10 sec. rest x 8) of: Push-up Count and attempt to match reps throughout; Though output may change, effort should remain at 100% in each and every round. Today, change angles, anchor, etc. in order to keep sets organized and as challenging as possible. Push-up: If mechanics or range of motion fail, scale accordingly to ensure both progress and safety; Leave the ego out of the equation- excellent, scaled push-ups are far better than crappy, broken “unscaled” ones. And finally, “Time under tension”: 1 minute Farmer hold @ as heavy as possible with no breaks/ drops + 5 x :20 sec. hollow hold, each interval ending with a rocking chair to standing + 15 Dowel partial pull-over + 15 calories Airdyne @ cool-down pace + 15 cat/ cow stretch Partial pull-over is active cool-down, and should be performed in organized positions- only pull dowel over to point of position break, maintain a brief hold, and repeat. Goal is opening up the upper body after a heavy push/ pull day, and improving position for next time.