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Writer's picture: Wolf BrigadeWolf Brigade

(Specialty warm-up: 1L, 1R 2-count Turkish Get-up, 5 box jump w/ bumper plate) 10 Turkish Get-up @ 30-40% of 1RM (5L, 5R) 20 Tire flip (Or, if needed, 10 rounds of: 1 kettlebell deadlift + 5/1000 @ top + 10 kettlebell swing + 5 straight jump. 1 + 10 + 5 = 1) 100 Box jump @ (minimum) 10lbs. W, 15lbs. M (use bumper plate) Turkish Get-up: Mind position, and lift each rep like it's heavy. Add a 2/1000 pause to any step/ transition that you are struggling with. Progress in the Turkish Get-up is always more patience, less pace. Tire flip: Mind position and execution, and move with power. Use assistance as needed, and stay aggressive- there is absolutely no value to a casual tire flip. Attach, adjust, brace, and drive; The steps don’t have to take long, but they need to occur. If working with a partner or two, alternate in no less than 2-rep intervals. Back-to-back hard, organized flips are important, and very different from singles. Box jump: Today, max jump height is 20″ W, 24″ M. Stay tall and upright, and do not allow chosen weight to break posture/ unwind bracing in take-off or landing; as (almost) always, soft equals sketchy. Rest no more than 3 breaths (:15 sec. or less) in sets of no less than 10 reps; Ideally, 20. Then, 5 aggressive minutes of: 2 Push-up 10 Medicine ball throw @ 10/ 12lbs. W, 14/ 16lb. M Move with deliberateness and intent; No lazy partial push-up, no passive throws. If a suitable wall is not available, adjust to "Tall slam ball" in same scheme and intensity. There is no value to lackadaisical, un-powerful power movements. Hurt the wall, hurt the ball, empty the tank.

And then, "Time under tension":

10 x :20 sec. full effort, low, hard, hollow hold/ rock +

25 Medicine ball squat @ 1/4 BW + 50 Abmat sit-up + 25 cat/ cow stretch Abmat sit-up is any variation you choose, and adjusted between them as desired. Mind position and mechanics, and draw value. Keep rest to :15 sec. or less, no more than 3+ times.


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