(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell swing clean, 5 "Floor to feet", 5 burpee, 10 calories Airdyne- hard and fast) 10 rounds of: 2L, 2R Stacked-hand kettlebell swing clean :20 sec. hold (“Ass over teakettle” Goblet position) :20 sec. rest/ assessment Weight today is self-scaled and should pose a challenge in each set- adjust as needed. If the movement description doesn’t immediately and clearly make sense, please ask, and/ or reference the several videos we have presented featuring each. Additionally- safety considered, the transition out of the hold should be powerful, technical, and seamless. "Shove" the weight UP, and plan to re-grab the handle at chin level- where you are used to manipulating the weight. Do not allow it to droop, and attempt to catch it between your legs; It is gross looking, and risky. Please and thank you. Then, 5 minutes of: "Burpees from the bottom" ...from your back ”Burpees from the bottom” simply begin and end with your chest on the floor. The additional fold today involves beginning and ending each rep on your back. Today, trainer will call out a specific number of reps and intersperse varied durations of rest between them, and athletes will remain with chest on the ground ready to go until directed (very similar to our sprint start). If training on your own, perform short, hard sets with 1-2 breaths between them (1, 2, 3 reps) interspersed with several 5-rep sets. In a group, completing the designated number quickly will lead to a few extra breaths of rest between sets. If any set needs to be skipped due to fatigue, perform 20 additional burpees when the drill is over. And then: 45 Rocking chair @ 25/ 35lb. W, 35/ 45lb. M 35 Squat @ same 250 Jumprope Squat + bumper plate: Aggressive posture, thorough, challenging range of motion, and crisp pace all play equal parts in the value of this drill; Move quickly, move correctly. There should be no less attention paid here than if the weight were far heavier. Brace and drive at the bottom, and stop at the top. The transitional details don't have to take long, but they have to happen. And finally, "Time under tension": 5 "Hover" push-up (1 descent, 10 "Hover" -controlled side-to-side shift- at bottom, back to the top = 1) + L- hang/ knees-up hang + 25 cat/ cow stretch Hover push-up is positional assessment, in addition to being an excellent odd-angle strength builder. Go lower, hover wider, hold harder, and if you get stuck- good- just put your knees down, climb up, and do it again. Ideally, this is performed on two heavy, stable kettlebells, or parallettes. Use any grip you choose in hang, and switch between them as needed. Remember: Hanging in a half-bicep curl is going to make you feel a lot heavier than you are. Use global structure, not regional strength, to support a challenging position for an extended duration. Accumulate at least two minutes, and take as few breaks as possible.
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