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(Specialty warm-up: 10 power clean @ 65lb. W, 75lb M (if using barbell in training day), 5 kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch @ 1/2 BW)

5 rounds of:

3 Power clean/ Ground-to-shoulder @ 75-85% of heaviest implement 3RM

3 Pull-up (Scaled to full ability in each round)

:30 sec. rest/ assessment

Focus on set-up, timing, violence of action, and fluidity; Take time, make positional adjustments as needed, and adjust weight accordingly if sets require interruption at designated weight. Use the implement that allows for best positioning at the heaviest weight.

Advanced pull-up suggestions include:Weighted, L-pull-up, chest-to-bar, negative. No kip, no "butterfly".



Kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch:

5 x 5 @ as heavy as possible in each

Focus in this movement variation is a powerful, dynamic kettlebell high pull transitioning into an organized and aggressive “catch” in the standard Goblet position (hands on side of handles, forearms driven into sides of kettlebell). Today, hold each rep for an organized, stopped 2/1000, quickly re-position hands, and re-trace steps to the ground. There is no “hinge” in the up- or- down of a kettlebell high pull.

And then:

Kettlebell high pull + Goblet squat:

3 x 5 @ (up to) heaviest above (1 + 1 = 1)

Organized, aggressive kettlebell high pull, strong bracing and reset, and full-range, powerful squat. Mind the stops; Reclaiming your bracing when transitioning between movements is "success insurance". Retrace your steps to the ground in each rep. No lazy set-ups, no soft lifts.

Today: Perform 1 pull-up (scaled to full ability)immediately following each set of kettlebell lifts, and then rest.

And finally, “Time under tension”:

100 yd. Farmer walk (20 yd each @ minimum BW- at least 50% in each hand) +

1 minute plank hold @ as heavy as possible(aspiring to reach/ attempting bodyweight or above)

2 x 10 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent sprint (:20 sec. between, pedals stay moving) +

15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool-down pace +

15 cat/ cow stretch

Farmer walk: If previous outing was performed uninterrupted, congratulations; Increase one interval this time through.


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