(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell row, 10 weighted walking lunge)
Pendlay row:
1 x 9 @ 50% of 5RM
3 x 7 @ (up to) 75%
Kettlebell row:
3 x 7L, 7R @ (minimum) 1/2 BW
Rest reasonably between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “3 x 7″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and execution always govern weight, and each lift should be addressed with intent to injure.
Then, on a 10-minute descending clock, move as far as possible through:
50 Kettlebell swing/ Stacked-hand kettlebell swing/ 1-arm kettlebell swing @ 1/2 BW
50 Walking lunge @ same (carried any way, any how- no barbell)
50 Jumping pull-up (stay attached to achor; much more of a "conditioning" version than the jump to- pull-up- version... )
15 Inchworm
150 Goblet squat @ 1/4 BW
"Score" is the number of squats completed. Expectation is that all will reach and begin work on Goblet squat; Short, specific rest only as needed, and same reminder as above: Even in a timed piece, speed is never a substitute for form, and reps count when mechanics and range of motion meet the simple, proven standard.
(Trainers: Please have the clarity of observation to remove and reassign anyone that views a descending clock as a gutless, thoughtless free-for-all.)
And then, as quickly as possible:
Sprint of 1/4 bodyweight in calories on Airdyne/ equivalent
Same number in 3/1000 underhand bodyweight row
1/4 bodyweight: Exactly 25% of what your body currently weighs. If you're not sure, check, don’t guess. You will always guess low.
Indulge any transitional impulses/ needs you have (arms only, arms + legs, legs only, underhand grip… ) except the one telling you to stop.
If you stop: Exit the bike, next person starts, you re-start from the beginning, no matter where you were in the process. Mind your mind, complete your task; Finishing spent is far better than starting twice.
3/1000 row: 3/1000 is, 3/1000. Fresh, tired, or otherwise. Count starts when the bar touches and stops.
And finally, "Time under tension":
5 Push-up + 10 Airplane push-up +
20 "Prison" Abmat sit-up @ minimum of :20 sec. each +
5 x :20 sec. hollow rock + stand-up @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M +
15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool-down pace
"Prison": Variation features both hands on back of the head, and elbows pointed to the sides throughout. If that position loses integrity, rest briefly, and either find it or adjust it.