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(Specialty warm-up: 10 walking lunge, 30 mountain climber, 5 box jump) 50 Kettlebell "Short swing" @ 1/2 BW (Break briefly before power expires or position erodes; Breathe three times, and go again!)

Then: 100 yd. sled drag @ 1/2 BW 50 Walking lunge @ (up to) 1/2 BW (honest positional assessment governs weight) 50 Box jump @ 20" W, 24" M 50 Walking lunge (Unweighted- braced, or "Prison") 50 Bodyweight row (any anchor, any hand position- strategize wisely, rest minimally) Rest minimally, move specifically; Brief rest is fuel for the finish, not time for reflection on what made you tired.

Carry anything you want, any way you want to (with the exception of barbell in back rack) for walking lunge. If designated weight breaks position, adjust accordingly and continue safely.

Speed- and/ or slightly higher rep schemes- are never a substitute for form, and/ or composure.

And then, 5 rounds of: 15 "Prison" Abmat sit-up 150 Jumprope In the “Prison” situp, we interlock our fingers and keep both hands behind the head. Reps count when shoulders and elbows touch the ground simultaneously. Keep your ass on the ground throughout. If proper position becomes unsustainable, adjust to regular Abmat sit-up. Hustle during sets, and minimize time in transition. If rest is needed at all, keep it short and specific (3 breaths or less). And finally, “Time under tension”: 25 Kettlebell/ Medicine ball Good Morning @ self-scaled + 15 Cat/ cow stretch

Good Morning should be heavy enough to be useful- even in a cool-down. Extra time at top and bottom- and closer examination on what is doing what- govern weight.


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