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(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R 1-arm kettlebell swing, 5 box jump @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M)

Skill work:

Kettlebell snatch

Under the eye of a qualified trainer (or, at very least, using our Movement Library as reference and reminder), address details, accumulate lots of great practice reps, and once improvement is made, add weight as needed to fact-check position. Start with our introductory progression (one-arm swing, one-arm swing w/ arm bend at eye level, snatch = 1 rep), practice standard hand position, pistol-grip hand position, stacked-grip hand position.

Then, 5 rounds of:

10 Kettlebell snatch (5L, 5R, each stopped and controlled at the top)

5 Box jump @ (minimum) 25lb. W, 35lb. M (bumper plate)

5 Box jump (Unweighted, higher)

:15 sec. rest/ assessment

Kettlebell snatch weight and box jump height are scaled to ability, and should pose a significant challenge in each round; Re-calibrate and adjust as needed during the :15 sec. rest. Position governs weight (and variation); Always lock out/ stand up in an authoritative manner that leaves no doubt as to the end of one rep, and the beginning of the next.

Have tools, strategy, and back-up plan in place, and in sight. Unless designated as, transitions are not rest periods, and we don't want to hunt for tools while we should be working, or attentively resting. If kettlebell snatch is too clunky, or too light, to be truly useful, adjust to powerful and challenging 1-arm kettlebell swing.

And then, 5 minutes of:

“Burpees from the bottom”…from your back

”Burpees from the bottom”simply begin and end with your chest on the floor. The additional fold today involves beginning and ending each rep on your back.

Today, trainer will call out a specific number of reps and intersperse varied durations of rest between them, and athletes will remain with back on the ground ready to go until directed.

In a group, completing the designated number quickly will lead to a few extra breaths of rest between sets. If a set needs to be skipped due to fatigue, perform 20 additional burpees when the drill is over.

And finally, “Time under tension”:

3 x 5 Kettlebell Sumo deadlift @ accurate, challenging, improving +

Weighted plank hold @ 1/2 BW +

5 x :15 sec. "Prison" Abmat sit-up (slow, controlled, elbows truly to the sides) +

15 cat/ cow stretch

If time reaches two minutes in plank, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes.

Note: Today, add a minimum of 1/2 bodyweight in bumper plates/ sandbags across lower back starting at top of tailbone. Goal today is enough weight to allow stability for between :20 – :30 sec. ***If this has been going well, add weight, and continue improvement. While progressing, the next step is always the first step; Do not wait and hope- act, and improve.


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