(Specialty warm-up: 10 dowel partial pull-over, 10 bench press @ 1/2 BW- paused as needed @ top, 1L, 1R slow, perfect Turkish Get-up)
Bench press:
1 x 7 @ 65% of 5RM, each with 3/1000 @ top
2 x 5 @ (up to) 85%
3 x 9 @ 50-60%, each with 3/1000 @ top
Rest reasonably between sets. If a set requires interruption, make as minor a weight adjustment as needed prior to the next. When scheme is listed as “2 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and organized execution always govern weight, and “locked out” always includes a rigid stop of motion.
Today: Perform 10 mace 360 (or 6 light kettlebell halo) + 5 push-up immediately following each set of bench press, and rest as needed after the three movements are complete. Always- but especially when using to accessorize pressing or pulling days, be sure to alternate left-to-right and top-to-bottom in the mace 360; Top arm works differently than the bottom arm, of course, and must be accounted for.
Then, 5 rounds of:
1L, 1R 2-count Turkish Get-up @ (up to) 70% of 1RM
10 Walking lunge @ same weight (anchored any way you choose)
5 Rocking chair @ (up to) 1/4 BW (use any implement that allows for safe management)
:20 sec. rest/ assessment
Move and pause in organized positions. Attempt as little rest as possible, and adjust weight as needed if position breaks in either movement.
Our 2-count Turkish Get-up helps us break the movement down into specific pieces by requiring a 2/1000 count at each transition point (there are 9). If we are skipping steps, making a technical error, or trying to hurry through a portion of the movement we are weak at, the 2/1000 will catch it and force an adjustment.
And then, “Time under tension”:
Farmer hold @ one interval above BW (standard 2-minute duration) +
15 Kettlebell Good Morning @ (up to) BW +
3 x :30 sec. hollow hold, each interval ending with a rocking chair to standing +
3 x :15 sec. Plank hold, each interval ending with a hard, perfect "Floor-to-feet"
Farmer hold: Designated weight/ duration will pose a different challenge for each person; That is the intention. Attempt less drops, and even better lifts and landings, than last time out.