(Specialty warm-up: 10 dowel partial pull-over, 5 kettlebell suitcase deadlift)
10 rounds of:
10 Stacked-hand kettlebell swing
:30 sec. hold("Ass over teakettle" Goblet position)
:10 sec. rest/ assessment
Start as heavy as possible for 10 high-powered, uninterrupted reps- switching top-to-bottom hand as desired/ as proficiency allows (goal should be minimum 1/2 BW), and adjust weight by round as needed. If the "ass over teakettle" movement description/ transition doesn’t immediately and clearly make sense, please reference one of the videos we have made demonstrating it.
Kettlebell swing reminder: Power and position govern weight- If we lose our strong hinge, back rounds, or legs fail to snap straight in the “drive” portion of the movement, adjust accordingly and continue safely. Do not bend arms; Instead, visualize and apply bracing and broadening your upper back.
Then, accumulate 3 minutes of:
Kettlebell Farmer hold@ 3/4 BW
Break as few times as possible, and hold at least a few seconds longer than you think you can. If 3/4 BW is old news, congratulations; Hold the whole three minutes and move on.
And then, skill work/ movement improvement:
Kettlebell snatch(From swing and/ or floor)
Mace 360 + extension
Mace front pendulum + extension
Mace shovel + press(overhead and front, angles of both)
Today, at skill work weights and with the guidance of a qualified trainer (or, using our Movement Library for reference and fact-checking), practice the details of several of the lifts listed above and work until improvement is made; Better- not more.
Start with the basic progression and add difficulty/ weight as appropriate. Accumulate lots of quality reps, and climb as heavy as desired once position and execution are sound.
"Skill work", minus work that truly improves a skill, is a flawed concept, and often more detrimental than valuable. Skill work should not simply be comprised of lighter, less-specific work sets.
And finally, “Time under tension”:
15 Kettlebell/ Medicine ball Good Morning@ self-scaled and challenging +
30 1-arm/ hand-to-hand kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M (10 x 5L, 5R)
Kettlebell swing: If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.