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Writer's picture: Wolf BrigadeWolf Brigade

Reminder prior to beginning this training week: If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so!

Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you!

Also this week: Please place deliberate focus on fully braced, knees driving out, and violent (always with heels down) explosion out of the bottom of all level-change; All hinge and squat variations included. One of the only "negatives" of effectively constructing midline stability in the ways that we do, is that many are able to ascend without the appropriate bracing or violence of action, simply because they are strong enough to pull it off; Just because we can't does not mean we should. Especially and always in areas where it may increase risk or limit potential! Thank you. 

___ (Specialty warm-up: 10 dowel partial pull-over, 5L, 5R kettlebell back squat, 5L, 5R kettlebell row, 3 double kettlebell swing clean) Back squat: 1 x 5 @ (up to) 60% of 2RM, each with 5/1000 @ top (fact-finding) 3 x 5 @ (up to) 75%, each with 3/1000 @ top 1 x 7 @ 60% 1 x 9L, 9R @ (minimum) 1/2 BW (as kettlebell back squat), each with 5/1000 @ top Rest as needed between sets, assess position, and  If a set requires interruption, make as minor a weight adjustment as possible prior to the next. Today, this week, and for the few weeks to follow, "Scheme-appropriate for the day" is the strategy that leads the way; As outside-the-gym challenges magnify, inside-the-gym WEIGHT adjustments follow suit. Not positional, constitutional, or scheme-adjustments- just, percentages and weight. When scheme is listed as “3 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and organized execution always govern weight, and below parallel is not a suggestion. Today: Perform 5 double kettlebell front squat or tipped-forward mace squat @ scheme-appropriate weight immediately following each set of back squat, and then take reasonable rest. Then, 30- 20- 10 of: Kettlebell row (Split evenly between arms, in any manner you choose- weight selection/ availability should govern this) Kettlebell swing (Recommended at minimum 1/2 BW) Weight selected should pose a significant and scheme-appropriate challenge in each round; Row should be reset and re-braced each rep, and we recommend performing them anchored, unless there's a reason not to. Rest briefly as needed between sets. And then, as quickly as possible, 10- 9- 8- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2- 1 of: Straight jump @ 1/4 BW "Prison" Abmat sit-up Jumprope (add a "0" to each set) No designated rest here- goal is seamless, uninterrupted movement and transitions between stations. Hustle hard, and get out what you put in. “Prison” sit-up: Interlock fingers and keep both hands behind the head. Reps count when shoulders and elbows touch the ground simultaneously. Butt stays on the ground, posture is upright at the top; Pace is not a substitute for position, even in simple movements. And finally, "Time under tension": 15 Sumo squat @ heavier, better (extended arm- either with bumper plate or mace/ hammer, will very likely make the best position here) 15 calorie Airdyne cool-down 15 cat/ cow stretch


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