(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell row, 10 box jump)
6 rounds of:
3L Kettlebell row
1L Kettlebell clean
3L Kettlebell front squat
3R Kettlebell row
1R Kettlebell clean
3R Kettlebell front squat
(Up to) 1 minute rest/ assessment
Each round/ arm is to be performed with one single kettlebell- weakest lift in the sequence governs weight. Fight for position, be patient and brutal, and don’t under-lift.
Part of the training today is identifying and applying the difference in starting position between the two primary movements (row- hinge, and clean- not a hinge).
Make the distinction, standardize the transition, and maintain it throughout. Strength, power, position, fluidity should all be in-play and on display in this simple and challenging drill; Any without the others, does not make a complete puzzle.
Additionally: Please assess and apply the front rack position from the top-down, as opposed to defaulting to any previous low, saggy standard position; We have been insisting on the high, hard front rack adjustment, and it is paying off handsomely. We have recently seen weights moved into and out of the adapted front rack position that are truly unprecedented; A strong case of one momentary step backward, leading to significant and multiple steps forward. Thank you.
Box jump:
9, 9, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3
Height increases each set (denoted by commas). Begin at a moderate, challenging height and end as high as possible; Each set should be difficult, violent, and positionally sound. Once into the 3's, stepping down is recommended for most.
And then, 6 minutes of:
3 Burpee/ "Floor to feet" (Bottom of burpee to hinge position and immediately back to floor)
6 Rocking chair (Weighted or unweighted)
6 Abmat sit-up @ 1/4 BW (use bumper plate)
Goal is a minimum of one round per minute; Position and pace should both be technical and vicious. Hunt the work, move like you care, and rest when you’re done.
Alternate between burpee and "Floor to feet" if desired, strategically.
Over 1 year attendance: No hands on the ground in transitions.
And finally, "Time under tension":
2 minute walking lunge (cool-down pace, optimal positions)
10 x 10 low, hard hollow rock (maximum :20 sec. between)
2 minute hollow hold
15 15/1000 cat/ cow stretch (slow, thorough)
Tall, tight, useful lunges, and attentive and accurate rocks and holds; "Time under tension" is designed to improve the positions we work in, and insulate the demands we place on them- It is also engineered to instill confidence in our abilities to do things well, and accurately, even when fatigued. Check-in, and make progress. It is in no part coincidence that those fully engaged in the post-work are those performing best, in the primary work. Thank you.