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(Specialty warm-up: 1L 1R slow, perfect Turkish Get-up, 5L, 5R kettlebell row, jumprope selection)

Turkish Get-up:

1 x 1L, 1R @ (up to) 50% of 1RM as 2-count

5 x 1L, 1R @ as heavy as possible in each set, pausing- not rushing


Barbell bent-over row/ Kettlebell bent-over row:

5 x 10 @ (up to) 60% of Pendlay row 5RM


5 x 5L, 5R @ challenging, scheme-appropriate, accurate

Rest as needed between sets of both movements. Each rep of Turkish Get-up is strong, patient, and organized. If range of motion fails, or position breaks, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next rep/ set safely. When scheme is listed as “5 x 5L, 5R″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Sound position always governs weight.

Barbell bent-over row/ Kettlebell bent-over row:Weight is deadlifted to standing, braced, and descended into stationary "Good Morning" hinge position prior to the pull; Weight stays off the ground! No "bounce/ pull"!

And then:

3L, 3R Turkish Get-up @ 50% of heaviest successful lift above

30 calories Airdyne/ equivalent

3L, 3R Turkish Get-up @ 40% of heaviest above

300 Jumprope

30 Walking lunge @ same 40%

300 Jumprope

Turkish Get-up is always governed by position and controlled ability to pause, even when book-ended with other movements. If position breaks beyond what a 2/1000 pause will repair, adjust weight immediately and continue safely. No designated rest- if needed, keep it short and specific (:15 sec. or less).

And finally, "Time under tension":

5 x :20 sec. plank hold (or 1-arm plank hold, as proficiency allows) +

5 x :20 sec. rocking chair ("pop at the top" if possible) +

5 x :20 sec. cat/ cow stretch (slow and thorough... like you care what you're doing)

Intersperse as desired; This is active cool-down, which means position is prioritized miles ahead of pace.


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