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(Specialty warm-up: 10 dowel partial pull-over, 20 heavier mace front pendulum, elevator/ hip-up practice)

36 Mace 360 OR 24 Kettlebell halo

Today, in either movement, change direction each rep and add a full 3/1000 pause between each; Standardize the set-up, standardize the re-set, and move with intent. More tension and detail should lead to more work, not less; Scale drill to full ability, using recent work/ rep schemes/ measurements as guidelines and goals. 

A break of up to :20 sec. may be taken in sets of no less than 12 reps in mace 360 (two total breaks) or 8 reps in kettlebell halo (two total breaks); Use this to help govern weight and strategy. Heavy, accurate, violent.

Then, 3 rounds of:

12 Mace shovel + overhead press (2 x 3L, 3R; 1 shovel + 1 press = 1 rep)

12 Extended-arm elevator sit-up/ Hip-up

6 Pull-up

6 Dip

6 3/1000 bodyweight row

:30 sec. rest/ assessment

Weight for mace shovel + press is self-scaled, and may be adjusted by round- in either width of hands, or actual weight of mace. Mace is recommended for extended-arm sit-up, however sledgehammer, bumper plate, kettlebell, or even dumbbell may be used if needed.

3/1000 row: In this variation, we hold for a full 3/1000 count in the top position- whether it be chest-to-bar, chest-through-rings/ rope, our goal is keeping the chest even with the hands for the full count on all reps.

All movements: Position and range govern variation.

And then, 6 attentive, aggressive rounds of:

3 Rocking chair (with "pop at the top", if available) @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M (use bumper plate)

6 Abmat sit-up (with same bumper)

12 calories Airdyne/ equivalent (legs only, plate in-hand)

3 breath rest/ reset (not to exceed :15 sec.)

Transition onto and off of the floor and bike without hands, and transition immediately and aggressively from one to the next; Efficiency, hustle, and positional acuity will govern success in this drill. Wiggling/ wandering: Bonus rounds, for the whole group.To the untrained eye, this should appear confusing, if not terrifying. Hunt that.

And finally, "Time under tension":

15 Kettlebell Good Morning (3 x 5) @ (up to) BW +

30 light, violent, perfect 1-arm or hand-to-hand kettlebell swing

15 cat/ cow stretch

Attentive, thorough, positionally accurate cool-down will lead directly to application of those same strategies in the primary training pieces.

Again: It is not a coincidence that those paying the most attention to both covers of the book, have a clearer understanding of what's going on in the middle.


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