(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell bent-over row, 10 lunge, 5 organized burpee)
Kettlebell bent-over row/ Barbell bent-over row:
1 x 5L, 5R @ minimum 1/4 BW/ fact-finding
7 x 3L, 3R @ as heavy as possible in each
1 x 7 @ (up to) 50% of Pendlay row 2RM
7 x 5 @ scheme appropriate/ accurate/ adjusted as needed
Each begins, transitions, moves, and ends exactly the same as the other; Full stand-ups, hard, accurate hinges, full-ranges, and no bounce.
Rest reasonably between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “7 x 3L, 3R″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and execution (including top range of motion)always govern weight, and each lift should be addressed with intent to injure. Lots of short pulls on both variations of the heavy kettlebell rows lately; If elbow is not well-past your back at the top of the pull, the effort is too light, or the weight is too heavy.
Kettlebell/ Barbell bent-over row: Each round is to be as heavy as possible for uninterrupted reps in non-negotiable, stationary "Good Morning" hinge position; Weight stays off the ground! No "bounce/ pull"!
Today: Perform 3 Inchworm and 1 pull-up + 5/1000 @ top immediately following each set of row, and rest as needed after the three movements are complete.
Then, as quickly as possible, 3 rounds of:
21 "Tall slam ball" @ 10lb. W, 12lb. M
14 Lunge (stationary) @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M (use bumper plate)
7“Burpee from the bottom”… from your back
Move and transition with intent; Hunt, don't hide. No designated rest here; If you take it, the goal should be to end it.
Quickly does not mean sloppily; Today, or ever. Pace does not alter position; Today, or, ever. Hustled, not hurried.
“Burpees from the bottom”simply begin and end with your chest on the floor. The additional fold for the drill today involves beginning and ending each rep on your back. Roll, move, and reset with dexterity and intent. No wiggling; Move and transition hard.
And then, “Time under tension”:
200 yd. Farmer walk (20 yd each @ (up to) BW- 50% in each hand) +
5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ heavy enough to be useful +
15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool-down pace +
15 cat/ cow stretch
Farmer walk: If previous outing was performed uninterrupted, congratulations; Increase one interval this time through.