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(Specialty warm-up: 10 hang power clean @ 65lb. W, 75lb. M*, 3L, 3R kettlebell clean, 10 box jump) *If barbell will not be used in training, please omit from the warm-up

Power clean/ Ground-to-shoulder:

1 x 9 @ 50% of heaviest implement 2RM

3 x 7 @ (up to) 75% of heaviest implement 2RM

Sandbag/ Medicine ball ground-to-shoulder/ Kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch:

5 x 5 @ as heavy as possible in each

Rest reasonably between sets. Focus on set-up position, violence of action, and fluidity; Take time, make positional adjustments as needed, and adjust weight accordingly. When scheme is listed as “3 x 7″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.

Today, once finished with initial sets, use any safe, organized implement/ variation you choose for each 5 x 5. Goal is widely-transferable, powerful ground-to-shoulder mechanics; Implement should be nearly interchangeable. If barbell lift does not work well (most common culprit is a flawed front rack position, next is a work-in-progress squat) then part one is kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch/ medicine ball power clean, and part two is heaviest, safest ground-to-shoulder.

Then, 7 rounds of:

7 Box jump

7/1000 breath held, hard, like you mean it

70 Jumprope (immediately, aggressively)

1 "Depth charge"

THERE IS NO REST HERE; Jump rope fast and hard, and brace like you’re lifting weights under water. Improve your condition in this simple drill by challenging your condition in this simple drill; Breathing during the 7/1000 is cheating.

Box jump height is scaled to ability for 7 uninterrupted, well-organized reps.

Depth charge: With hands locked and braced in either true "Prison" position, or overlapped and pressed hard at mid-chest, perform 10 double-under-minus-the-rope jumps (high, hard, hollow body, tight guts, no heel-to-ground) + 1 burpee on the descent of the 10th, and then, either rest or repeat as directed. 10 + 1 = 1.

Immediately: Without hesitation, internal pontification, or rumination.

Aggressively: Like you're moving towards something dangerous to help another person, or away from something dangerous to you.

And then, “Time under tension”:

5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ (minimum) 12kg. W, 14kg. M

25 Abmat sit-up @ (minimum) 1/4 BW +

5 rounds of: 1/2 rocking chair (to floor) + 10 hollow rock + back to standing = 1 round (hit the ground in a hard, accurate hollow position) +

15 Dowel partial pull-over 

Partial pull-over is active cool-down, and should be performed in organized positions- only pull dowel over to point of position break, maintain a brief hold, and repeat. Goal is opening up the upper body after a challenging posture day, and improving position for next time.


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