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Writer's picture: Wolf BrigadeWolf Brigade

(Specialty warm-up: 10 walking lunge @ 1/4 BW, 2L, 2R kettlebell halo + 5/1000 extension) 50 Walking lunge @ 1/2 BW Provided position is safe and sound, weight is non-negotiable. Break into as small of pieces as needed to complete with quality. No weight in the back rack. Farmer, front rack, Goblet. No barbell. Then: 5 x 1L, 1R 5-count Turkish Get-up @ (up to) 40% of 1RM Each rep should take nearly one full minute; pause for a hard, organized 5/1000 in each transition. This will be (or, certainly fuckin' should be... ) light, valuable, and challenging. Our 5-count Turkish Get-up helps us break the movement down into specific pieces by requiring a 5/1000 count at each transition point (there are 9). If we are skipping steps, making a technical error, or trying to hurry through a portion of the movement we are weak at, the 5/1000 will catch it and force an adjustment. And then, "Odd Lifts" skill work:

Mace lifts and swings, and sledgehammer

If unfamiliar with our Odd Lifts list, please refer to the movement library/ SME page on the website!

"Odd Lifts" concepts: Lateral/ rotational/ valuably unconventional. Repeatable. Transferable. Sustainable. No guessing, no circus tricks (at least not until we possess frighteningly accurate ownership of the basics... ). Pick one/ two lifts, detail them out, break into pieces as needed, and note improvement. You won't improve five movements in 15 minutes, but you'll improve one/ two...

Sloppy, soft, or too light to be useful, and anything in this category is time better spent doing something else.

And finally, “Time under tension”: 5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ minimum 12kg. W, 14kg. M (Posture and grip practice/ development- not conditioning. Heavy, please.) 15 Airplane push-up (chin, chest, and hips all "land" at the same time, and also lift at the same time... ) 15 dowel partial pull-over 15 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent cool-down


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