(Specialty warm-up: 3L, 3R kettlebell swing clean + push press, 3L, 3R mace shovel + 3/1000 hold @ top)
5 rounds of:
3 Kettlebell swing clean + push press (Left- 1 + 1 = 1)
3 Kettlebell swing clean + push press (Right- 1 + 1 = 1)
:30 sec. rest/ assessment
1 kettlebell swing clean + 1 push press = 1 rep; 3 reps left, and then 3 reps right, in each round.
This is done to challenge and develop the push press, as it will almost certainly be a tall order to properly complement the swing clean.
The details will make the difference, here.
Then, 3 rounds of:
3 Kettlebell swing clean + 1 push press + 3/1000 @ top (Left)
3 Kettlebell swing clean + 1 push press + 3/1000 @ top (Right)
:30 sec. rest/ assessment
Here, 3 kettlebell swing clean + 1 push press + hold (left side, and then right side) = 1 round.
This is done to accommodate the fact that for most- and as it should- the push press will erode in quality and weight before the swing clean does.
There is still work to be done, but less, and likely lighter.
Adjust weight as needed between rounds, likely governed by push press/ lock out. Patient, organized, violent movement in each lift and each set; No soft set-ups, no lazy lifts. Part two will be lighter than part one; If it does not feel like it should be, we under-lifted in part one. Adjust accordingly.
Reminder: Combining movements does not change their fundamental components; Lift - land - stand - set - press. Hybridized, not bastardized.
Stacked-hand and/ or Pistol grip are recommended for swing clean.
And then:
50 Mace shovel + 3/1000 hold
50 calories Airdyne/ equivalent (arm and legs, OR 5c intervals legs-only)
Shovel: Start/ finish position should be a seamless transfer from deadlift- make adjustments as needed. Bottom hand starts "in your pocket", and hips physically throw the hand; Lead arm starts and stays straight!
If suitable weight is not available, movement may also be scaled by shortening the distance between hands, always leaving the rear hand at the very end of the handle. Lock-out should feature both arms 100% straight, and aligned over their respective feet. Unless the mace chosen is extremely heavy and less is required/ earned, alternate lead arm in no less than 5- rep intervals.
Airdyne: Sprint, not a jog. Hustle, breathe, alternate on cue, and get it overwith. And finally, “Time under tension”: 5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ heavy enough to be useful + 5 x :30 sec. hollow *rock*, each interval ending with a rocking chair to standing + (Timed) 15-calorie Airdyne/ equivalent sprint + 15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool down pace 15 cat/ cow stretch Hollow rock: Take short rest as needed, and accept no sub-standard reps Airdyne: Cool-down pace should look like 30-40% of max RPM.