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Writer's picture: Wolf BrigadeWolf Brigade

Reminder prior to beginning this training week: If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so! Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you! Additionally: Please remember that if the training needs to be changed based on access, stress, time, etc, there are always ways to stay in the intended "progress curve" by being sure that any adjustments still adhere to the movement pattern/ rep scheme/ energy system of the designated training day! Having such a deep well of sensible scaling options always makes it possible to find and apply what we're looking for.______________________________

144:01 (Specialty warm-up: 5 Kettlebell Good Morning @ (up to) BW, 10 dowel partial pull-over into back rack, 5L, 5R kettlebell back squat @ 1/2 BW) Back squat: 9, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3 Rest reasonably as needed between sets; “Generalist” weights require generalist rest. Weight increases each set (denoted by commas). Begin at a moderate, challenging weight (no more than 60% of 2RM) and end as heavy as possible for a powerful, full range of motion, 3. Each set should be difficult, violent, and positionally sound. Lock out (stand up) in each rep should leave no doubt as to the finish of the lift. Then: Kettlebell swing: 5 x 10 @ (up to) two intervals down from 5RM 5 x 5 @ 1/2 BW (double overhand/ standard hand position) Rest :30 sec. between sets. Position and power govern weight; Hinge is a hinge- always- and locked-out is locked-out, always. Mitigate fatigue through rabid attention to detail and focus on exceptional position. Kettlebell swing reminder: Power and position govern weight- If we lose our strong hinge, back rounds, or legs fail to snap straight in the “drive” portion of the movement, adjust accordingly and continue safely. Additionally, arms are kept "short" by broadening chest, not by bending the arms; Don't intentionally bend your arms. Please and thank you. And then, 5 minutes of: 5 Inchworm 10 Abmat sit-up @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M (use bumper plate) Each good rep should look and feel the same; Quality position leads to quicker pace, but never the other way around. Move attentively, move aggressively. If your butt comes off the ground in the Abmat sit-up, or your shoulders don't touch the ground at the bottom, omit and repeat each rep that it does, or they don't. Thank you. And finally, “Time under tension”: One-minute Farmer hold @ BW + 2 x 10 Kettlebell Sumo deadlift @ challenging, accurate, useful + 3 x :30 sec. full-effort, positionally vigilant hollow hold + 15 legs-only calories Airdyne/ equivalent + 15 cat/ cow stretch Farmer hold: Designated weight/ duration will pose a different challenge for each person; That is the intention. If one minute holding half your bodyweight in each hand is old news, congratulations. If it is a gigantic challenge, move hard-mindedly though it and know that soon it will be less of one.


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