Reminder prior to beginning this training week:If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so! Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you! Additionally: Please remember that if the training needs to be changed based on access, stress, time, etc, there are always ways to stay in the intended "progress curve" by being sure that any adjustments still adhere to the movement pattern/ rep scheme/ energy system of the designated training day! Having such a deep well of sensible scaling options always makes it possible to find and apply what we're looking for.__________________________________
116:01 (Specialty warm-up: 1L, 1R 2-count Turkish Get-up, front squat rack assessment/ implement selection, jumprope selection) Front-loaded squat: 7, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3- 3- 3 Weight increases as denoted by commas, and then remains the same for a heavy 3 x 3 (denoted by dashes). Begin at a moderate, challenging weight and end as heavy as possible; Each set should be difficult, violent, and positionally sound. If barbell does not start and stay where it is supposed to/ needed in order to make it a safe and progressive choice, this becomes kettlebell Goblet squat, heavy medicine ball bear-hug squat, or heavy sandbag front squat; Position and function govern implement- never the other way around. And as always- Where and how the weight is loaded, is far more important than what the weight IS; De-marry from implement bias. Please and thank you. Then, 10 minutes of: 2-count Turkish Get-up @ 40-50% of 1RM Move and pause in organized positions. Attempt as little rest as possible, and adjust weight as needed if any position breaks. Additionally- At these extremely moderate weights, on a Monday, it is expected that the reps will not only be accurate and patient, but powerful and authoritative; Practice the shoulder-elbow-hand "throw" of the arm to climb off your back, and drive the thumb back hard to ensure the weight stays put during the power transition. Our 2-count Turkish Get-up helps us break the movement down into specific pieces by requiring a 2/1000 count at each transition point (there are 9). If we are skipping steps, making a technical error, or trying to rush through a segment of the movement we are weak in, the 2/1000 will catch it and force an adjustment. And then, as quickly as possible: 50 Walking lunge @ 1/4 BW (stand tall at the top, stay tight at the bottom- scale implement and carry/ hold position to full ability) 50 V-up 500 Jumprope Again- minimal rest, quality movement. Small, high-quality sets of V-up are preferable to breezing through 50 mediocre reps. And finally, "Time under tension": 50 hollow rock @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M + 15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool down pace Hollow rock: Take short rest as needed, and accept no sub-standard reps Airdyne: Cool-down pace should measure 30-40% of max RPM.