(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell row, 3L, 3R 1-arm kettlebell swing)
Pendlay row:
1 x 5 @ 50% of 2RM 1 x 5 @ 65% 5 x 5 @ (up to) 85% 1 x 10 @ 65%
If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “1 x 10″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and execution always govern weight, and each lift should be addressed with intent to injure.
Today: Perform 3 pull-up/ chin-up/ mixed-grip + 5L, 5R 1-arm 360/ 10 mace 360 (or 10 light kettlebell halo) immediately following each set of row, and rest reasonably after the three movements are complete. Choose the accessory variation you need the most, not the one you like the most.
Kettlebell snatch progression:
20 x 1L, 1R @ aggressive and challenging in each rep
Scale to full ability throughout, adjust details as needed, and adjust weight (up or down) in 4-rep (2 set) intervals.
1 1-arm swing + 1 1-arm swing w/ calculated arm bend (half-high pull) + 1 snatch = 1 rep
If mechanics, details, or timing are foreign or still in-progress, please ensure they are sound prior to increasing (or allowing an increase) in weight. All patterns and details should reinforce and familiarize all others in this drill; That is the point. High-level dexterity and power proficiency do not come from knocking around a bunch of half-cocked completion-based reps.
Even if you fancy yourself an expert in the kettlebell snatch, adhere to the progression and rep scheme; The accessories are an intentional part of the work.
And then, “Time under tension”: 100 yd. Farmer walk (20 yd each @ BW- 50% in each hand) + 25 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool-down pace (15c legs only + 10c arms only) + 25 cat/ cow stretch Farmer walk: If previous outing was performed uninterrupted, congratulations; Increase one interval this time through.