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(Specialty warm-up: 3L, 3R kettlebell press, 3 kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch @ (up to) 1/2 BW, 10 weighted walking lunge, 5 rocking chair- both with bumper plate) 50/50 Kettlebell press:

1 x 3L, 3R @ fact-finding weight 3 x 5L, 5R @ as heavy as possible in each set 5 x 1L, 1R @ heaviest above Alternating arms as directed, keep kettlebells in-hand for L-to-R set, and then rest/ adjust weight as needed. When scheme is listed as “5 x 1L, 1R″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight, and overhead/ “locked-out” is not a relative position, nor is it a negotiable one. If the arm is not straight and stopped, either try harder, or adjust the weight; Partial reps equate to substandard progress! 50/50 press features a double kettlebell rack position but a single-arm strict press. Kettlebell on the “non-working” side assists in keeping tension, and can help us fact-check position. Position considered, weights should match on both sides. Today: Perform 10 push-up immediately following each set of press, and rest as needed after the two movements are complete. Push-ups- as an accessory or otherwise- begin in a true plank, travel all the way to the ground, and then climb back up- still in a true plank. If mechanics break or range shortens, ditch the ego and scale the movement. Advanced push-up suggestions include: Dynamic push-up, ring push-up, Hindu push-up.


Ground-to-shoulder lift (Power clean, kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch, medicine ball power clean):

5 x 3 @ as heavy as possible in each set

(Immediately into)

5 minutes Goblet squat @ (up to) 1/2 BW

Ground-to-shoulder: Today, pick one lift and maximize it. Use set #1 to address details and grease the groove on a climb to an aspirational weight.

Rest is moderate, and earned. Complete all sets before moving to squat.

Squat: Organized, aggressive kettlebell high pull into Goblet position; Break sets as needed, and attempt no less than three. If lifts become singles, adjust weight and continue safely. Keep rest to 3 breaths (:10- :15 sec.) and only take as needed. Even in a timed piece, speed is never a substitute for form, and reps count when mechanics and range of motion meet the simple, proven standards.

And then, 5 rounds of: 10 Kettlebell suitcase walking lunge :20 sec. Farmer hold @ top of 10th :20 sec. rest/ assessment Weight should pose a challenge in each round; Adjust as needed during :20 sec. assessment. Position and posture govern weight- tension and attention will govern position.

No soft lifts, no lazy reps, no "hipster posture"; Stand tall and hard, and brace before you drop. Please and thank you. And finally, “Time under tension”:

5 Push-up + 10 Airplane push-up + 5 x :20 sec. hollow rock + rocking chair (1 stand-up at the end of each :20 sec. rock/ hold) + 15 dowel partial pull-over + 15 calorie Airdyne cool-down + 15 cat/ cow stretch

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