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(Specialty warm-up: 5 bench press @ 1/2 BW, each with 2/1000 @ top, 3L, 3R kettlebell floor press) Bench press:

1 x 5 @ 50% of 2RM, each with hard, stopped 5/1000 at top 3 x 15 @ (up to) 65%- organized, uninterrupted, powerful Mid-duration sets with extended holds and long-duration sets at a challenging weight begin and end with the same demands as short sets, and near-maximal weights: Set-up, bracing, order-of-operations, violence of action. If one softens or shifts, acknowledge and adjust. If it breaks beyond repair, rack the bar, check the boxes, and then continue. "Gutting out" terrible reps has a very short safety shelf life, and an equally low progress ceiling. Then, 15 attentive, positionally-accurate minutes of: 5 Wall ball substitute- standard or "Pistol grip" (or 5 kettlebell swing + 3 Goblet squat, as skill level dictates) 3 Kettlebell floor press + 15/1000 arm bar stretch (left)

3 Kettlebell floor press + 15/1000 arm bar stretch (right) :30 sec. rest/ assessment

Weights are scaled to ability in each round, and may move up or down as fatigue demands or familiarity allows. This is poweful, technical work. Pay attention, don't muddle positions, and earn what you want to lift. 15/1000 is... 15/1000. Count starts when position is set. If the "stretch"/ hold governs the pressing weight, you've just learned something important. If a participant can kettlebell swing, Goblet squat, floor press, and Turkish Get-up, then it is a near-certainty that they can complete this entire drill at a valuable and challenging weight. Primary limiting factor in wall ball substitute is lack of confidence in the swing/ squat transition. Connect the thumbs and forefingers into a triangle, and catch the kettlebell in the "net". If you miss it, drop it- don't chase it. And then, "Time under tension": 15 Airplane push-up 3 rounds of: 5 calorie Airdyne sprint + 100 jumprope (immediately, in a row, time completion of all three) (Immediately into)

1 minute uninterrupted hollow hold (third round ends, hit the floor... ) 15 calorie Airdyne cool-down Hollow hold: There is value in forcing stability, even if it moves a bit away from "ideal" position; Insist that all hold tight, for one full minute, and by any reasonable means necessary.

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