10 Anchored squat/ hinge transition 10 Halo + extension 10 Squat (with implement) 50 Jumping jacks (touch hips/ legs at bottom, touch hands over head at top) 5 Push-up 5 Straight jump :30 sec. unweighted hinge hold
Warm-up should leave us warm, not tired; Scale accordingly, especially if just beginning training or adjusting to this style training for the first time. Range of motion, details of each movement, and bracing are all to be practiced and applied in warm-up just as they are in the training day; Attention in one leads directly to improvement in the other.
Movements linked to demonstrations in our Movement Library; Watch and refresh- Don’t guess.
10 rounds of:
2 Halo + 5/1000 extension 2L, 2R Curl + 5/1000 hold @ top of each rep 10L, 10R 1-arm swing 10 Halo + 2/1000 extension 5L, 5R 1-arm swing 2L, 2R Curl + 5/1000 hold @ top of each rep :20 sec. rest/ assessment
Improve position, extend hold duration, increase violence-of-action… Take the “rest” in each round to improve the next. Simple should never mean easy, and in programs such as ours, passive positioning is a liability.
Then, immediately and aggressively:
100 Double-arm extended lunge (back to standing- not walking)
If implement begins to “float” (bounce, move up-and-down, compromise posture…), reset quickly and continue accurately. Plan to take :10 sec. rest in sets of no less than 10 reps.
Extended-arm (single or double) is always held straight in front of body, aggressively, and at chest level.
Immediately: Without hesitation, internal pontification, or rumination.
Aggressively: Like you’re moving towards something dangerous to help another person, or away from something dangerous to yourself.
And then:
2 x max-duration full-effort hollow hold 5 x :10 sec. full-effort hollow hold
Building a bulletproof “power source” will improve all elements of your physicality- and simple, hard, non-gimmick sit-ups and holds are a sure-fire way to do so. Do not make this easy- make it the opposite; It’s the insulation for your hardest efforts
Each day will end with varied durations of hollow hold, and the cool-down is a minimum of 25 cat/ cow stretch and 100 yd. brisk walk/ exercise bike ride/ etc.