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Reminder prior to beginning this training week: If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so! Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you!

Additionally: Please remember that if the training needs to be changed based on access, stress, time, etc, there are always ways to stay in the intended "progress curve" by being sure that any adjustments still adhere to the movement pattern/ rep scheme/ energy system of the designated training day! Having such a deep well of sensible scaling options always makes it possible to find and apply what we're looking for.


90:01 (Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell back squat, 5L, 5R kettlebell front squat- unanchored) Back squat: 1 x 5 @ 50% of 2RM 1 x 7 @ 60-70% 1 x 5 @ (up to) 85% Kettlebell back squat: 3 x 5L, 5R @ as heavy as possible in each, adjusting by set as needed Double kettlebell front squat: 3 x 5 @ 1/2 BW (1/4 BW in each hand) Single kettlebell front squat: 1 x 5L, 5R @ 1/4 BW, unanchored Note similarities and differences, and apply accordingly. All of this should be organized, attentive, and violent; If after completing this strategy and volume of lifts, one does not feel as if they have been put in a washing machine, dumped out, and then slapped in the face, a mistake has been made. Then, attentively and aggressively: 25 Inchworm 5 "Depth Charge" 25 Push-up 25 Bodyweight row (overhand, barbell) 25 "Airplane" push-up You may take 3 breaths rest (up to :15 sec.), up to five times, but none during Depth Charge. Perform each movement as intended (in both range and mechanics)- Both because it is a good idea, and because it will help ensure you have in the tank what is needed for the others... wiggling, and gaming, are costly. Depth charge: With hands locked and braced in either true "Prison" position, or- if needed- overlapped and pressed hard at mid-chest, perform 10 double-under-minus-the-rope jumps (high, hard, hollow body, tight guts, no heel-to-ground) + 1 burpee on the descent of the 10th, and then, either rest or repeat as directed. *10 + 1 = 1*. Airplane push-up simply begins and ends with chest, hips, and hands on the ground; Brace, and drive to a hard, stopped plank in each rep. And then, "Time under tension": 15 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent sprint + 250 jumprope, timed + 10 Rocking chair, each with 10 hollow rock at the bottom (down, 10 hollow rock, up = 1) + 15 cat/ cow stretch + 15 dowel partial pull-over Reminder: Time under tension is not simply an extension of the training day, or a second-or-third "cardio" piece; Even when it contains a short, max-effort directive, everything contained within is engineered and expected to improve all that comes next, not simply to beat the same drum as all that preceded it in the training day. Focus in, harden up, and draw transferable value. Positional insulation, foundation-building, detail development/ reinforcement, and last but not least- proof that we can still function in braced, organized, and technical ways after completing a challenging assignment; That, is truly important, and often sneaks by unacknowledged, until we address it.


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