(Specialty warm-up: 20 Tire smash/ 10L, 10R 1-arm kettlebell swing, 20 mace front pendulum, 10 "Tall slam ball") 5 rounds of: 30 Tire smash (any variation, change weight by round as needed/ desired) 15 "Tall slam ball" @ 12lb/ 16lb. W, 16lb./ 20lb. M Either movement above performed at a casual pace or with undisciplined positioning, is a gimmick. Scale weight and position to full ability, and destroy.
If rest is needed, keep it short and specific, and take after completing one full round.
Tire smash: In order for hitting a tire with a hammer to be more than novelty, it needs to be performed with power and fluidity. Focus on mechanics, execution, and timing, and hit the tire like you mean it. **If tire smash is clunky, inefficient, or clearly more liability than asset, adjust to 15L, 15R 1-arm kettlebell swing (Pistol position) + 5 burpee per round.**
"Tall slam ball": Different timing and coordination, same concept and execution; All positional features of standard squat/ slam ball apply. Today we will simply use standard-diameter medicine balls, and catch above parallel. Certainly not easier, just slightly different.
Reminder: “Scaled to ability” is not a statement that should elicit a sense of relief; Quite the opposite. It should prompt attention and effort that walks the border of safety and self-destruction. Anything less will not lead to progress.
Then, 5 rounds of:
30 Mace front pendulum
15 Mace squat/ 10 Tipped-forward mace squat @ same
:30 sec. rest/ assessment (assessment means... like... thinking and shit)
Each set of front pendulum is to be as heavy as possible for an organized, standardized 30. Aggressively decelerate the mace if the pendulum feels "easy", or the weight available is less than you need. Each set of squats uses the same mace as the pendulum set directly before it; If one changes weight, they both change weight. Earn the weight you want to use. If rest is needed, keep it short and specific, and take after squat.
Those advancing in mace lifting: Incorporate the "Mace varial" to transition seamlessly from front pendulum (weighted end down) into squat position (weighted end up), and back.
And then, skill work:
Mace 360/ Mace 10-2
With the guidance of a qualified trainer and/ or referring to our instructional pieces on the subject, practice each relevant detail of the mace 360, add 10-2 as appropriate, and make improvement in each. Start with the basic handling and intro positions, and add weight/ difficulty as appropriate. Note: Never make the mental mistake of thinking you’re too advanced for skill work in any realm.
And then, “Time under tension”:
25 Kettlebell Good Morning @ self-scaled +
50 Hand-to-hand kettlebell swing (with external rotation bias- neither thumb moves past vertical) @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M
:90-second full- effort, hard, perfect hollow hold/ rock
If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.