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Reminder prior to beginning this training week: If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so!

Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you! Additionally, no matter the pace at which we are improving, there are most certainly things that are not doing so as quickly as others;

Identify them, assess them, improve them- And ask for our help! Please and thank you. Lastly: We observe more clearly each week that skill work- deliberate, detail-oriented, quality-over-volume skill work- is the most significant difference between those that do well, and those that truly do their very best; Ongoing progress is only limited by our willingness to keep hunting it. ________________________

THIS WEEK: Accumulate 10 minutes in an excellent hollow hold + 250 hollow rock, partitioned and performed whenever and however you'd like! Well-timed or poorly-timed, good strategy or bad, valuable information will be present for those that are looking... People also chose to practice L-sit as an addition to the directive above. That is an excellent choice. ALSO THIS WEEK: Please place deliberate focus on and provide directive towards fully braced, knees-out, and violent (with heels down) explosion out of the bottom of all level-change; All hinge and squat variations included. One of the only "negatives" of effectively constructing midline stability in the ways that we do, is that many are able to ascend without the appropriate bracing or violence of action, simply because they are strong enough to pull it off; Just because we can does not mean we should. Especially and always in areas where it may increase risk or limit potential! Thank you. _________________________________________ (Specialty warm-up: 5 Kettlebell Good Morning @ BW, 5 suitcase deadlift @ BW + 3/1000 hold, jumprope selection) Deadlift: 1 x 5 @ 65% of 2RM 1 x 2 @ 80%, organized, stopped 2/1000 @ top 5 x 2 @ (up to) 95%

If a set requires interruption, make as minor a weight adjustment as needed prior to the next. When scheme is listed as “5 x 2″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and organized execution always govern weight, and “locked out” always includes a rigid stop of motion. In preparing to test lifting numbers, the goal today is not to match your previous 2RM for one set, but to move near it, with positional acuity, for five sets. If the holds + the weight align, when the heavy ones come around, we know the engine is built to carry and improve them. No glory lifts. Then, 7 rounds of: 3 Goblet squat @ minimum 1/2 BW/ scaled to full ability, each with full, organized, stopped 3/1000 in top position 1 Pull-up + 3/1000 hold @ top :30 sec. rest/ assessment Perform an organized, dynamic kettlebell high pull into an aggressive “catch” in the standard Goblet position (hands on side of handles, forearms driven into sides of kettlebell). Brace, squat, and re-trace steps to the ground after squatting. Adjust weight by round as position and execution dictate; Position considered, do not under-lift. Comprehension and application of the "scaled to ability" concept, especially in this sort of piece, is the difference between crawling forward and sprinting forward. Single pull-up should be... scaled to full ability... in each round; Put in what you expect to get out. One, only equals “just”, if you make it so. And then, attentively and aggressively: 20 Inchworm 20 Jumping pull-up 200 Jumprope 15 Inchworm 15 Jumping pull-up 150 Jumprope 10 Inchworm 10 Jumping pull-up 100 Jumprope No designated rest here; If needed, keep it to 3 breaths or less (no more than :15 sec), and take no more than twice. Inchworm: If we lose full range in the push-up, or it is not yet in your toolbox, pause instead for a full 2/1000 in the plank position in each rep.

Jumping pull-up: Pace increases, but range does not change; All the way up, all the way down, attempting to balance jump, with pull. Sound positioning does not change during hard conditioning. And finally, “Time under tension”: 25 Airplane push-up (broken into sets as needed) + One-minute full- effort hollow hold/ rock + 15 Legs-only calories Airdyne/ low-body cool-down equivalent + 15 cat/ cow stretch


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