Reminder prior to beginning this training week: If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so!
Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you! Additionally, no matter the pace at which we are improving, there are most certainly things that are not doing so as quickly as others;
Identify them, assess them, improve them- And ask for our help! Please and thank you. Lastly: We observe more clearly each week that skill work- deliberate, detail-oriented, quality-over-volume skill work- is the most significant difference between those that do well, and those that truly do their very best; Ongoing progress is only limited by our willingness to keep hunting it. ________________________ THIS WEEK: Accumulate 10 minutes in an excellent hollow hold + 250 hollow rock, partitioned and performed whenever and however you'd like! Well-timed or poorly-timed, good strategy or bad, valuable information will be present for those that are looking... People also chose to practice L-sit as an addition to the directive above. That is an excellent choice. ALSO THIS WEEK: Please review and improve our "Floor-to-feet". It was engineered and implemented as a complement/ supplement/ accessory to burpee, and functions very well as one, provided the "top" position does not look or feel like a yoga position. Drive hard to flat feet, aggressively and accurately establish a deadlift-worthy hinge (fact check with hands quickly on shins if desired/ needed), and re-attack the floor. ________________________ (Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell back squat, 5 double kettlebell swing clean, 5 burpee, jumprope selection) 5 rounds of: 3 Front-loaded squat @ (up to) 80% of heaviest implement 2RM 5 Back squat @ same weight, different implement only if necessary 3 Double kettlebell front squat @ as heavy as possible in each round 5 Pull-up 1 minute rest/ assessment If barbell is not the best choice for the front squat, use whatever allows for the most weight in the best position; Because double kettlebell front squat is already in play, this will be Goblet squat, medicine ball squat, or sandbag front-rack squat. Hard work, thorough positional evaluation and improvement, and scaled-to-full-ability double kettlebell front squat and pull-up in each round. No lazy lifts, no easy sets. Advanced pull-up suggestions include: Weighted, L-pull-up, chest-to-bar, negative. No kip, no butterfly. Then, 7 minutes of: 3 Burpee 50 Jumprope Complete as many quality rounds and reps as possible. Breathe, hustle, and attempt no rest; If needed, keep it to three breaths or less, no more than three times. No wiggling, no wandering. And then, “Time under tension”: Double kettlebell rack hold (W- 45lb. x 2, M- 62lb. x 2) + 3 x :45 sec. low, hard, high-quality hollow hold/ rock + 25 cat/ cow stretch Lift and hold in strong, organized kettlebell rack position. Work to “True” failure (loss of physical positioning) not “Relative” failure (loss of mental endurance). If time reaches two minutes, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes. Hollow: Hold hard, and do not let up during :45 sec. round. If position breaks, be aware of where and when, but stay in the hold; There is value to that.