(Specialty warm-up: 5 Kettlebell Good Morning @ minimum 1/2 BW)
7 rounds of:
3 Kettlebell Good Morning
7 Kettlebell deadlift
(Up to) :30 sec. rest/ assessment
Today, entire sequence is performed with one kettlebell- Heaviest 3-rep Good Morning governs weight in each round. If position breaks, adjust one interval down and continue safely.
Scale to ability, and adjust by round (up or down) as needed. Then, on a 5-minute descending clock: Perform as many full-range, quality chin-up as possible. Take short, specific rest as needed- focus on small, high-quality sets (no more than 5 reps per, unless proficiency truly allows). If/ once the number reaches 50, remaining reps happen as L-chin up. Strategize- Don't just go for broke in the first set and then stand the fuck around confused for the remaining time! This drill is much more focused on pulling than conditioning; If using jumping chin-up, ensure you are pulling as much as you possibly can, and jumping as little as you absolutely need to. If chin-up is not likely to accomplish the progress mission, adjust to 3/1000 underhand bodyweight row. And then: 1 max rep set push-up 2 minute max calorie Airdyne/ equivalent sprint 1 minute rest 1/2 max rep set push-up 250 Jumprope (aggressively) 25 Goblet squat @ 1/4 BW Push-up: Stay mindful of position and mechanics throughout. Rest as needed/ desired in the pike or plank position to extend set. Even in a “max rep” set, quality still trumps quantity. Airdyne: Breathe, focus, and drive. This is a sprint, not a jog- no pacing. Goal is matching output from previous one-minute outing; Matching effort should go without saying. There is no designated rest between push-up and bike/ jumprope- perform quick transitions between movements, and mitigate fatigue by breathing intelligently throughout. Safety considered, there is value to making yourself move in simple conditioning drills. And finally, “Time under tension”: Plank hold @ minimum 1/2 BW OR Unweighted- uninterrupted (assess needs, and choose accordingly) + 5 rounds of: 1/2 rocking chair (to floor) + 10 hollow rock + back to standing = 1 round If time reaches two minutes in plank hold, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes.