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Writer's picture: Wolf BrigadeWolf Brigade

(Specialty warm-up: 5 empty bar press + 3/1000, 3L, 3R kettlebell snatch skill-work sequence, 5 box jump with implement) Press:

1 x 5 @ 50% of 2RM, stop at the top 3 x 5 @ 70% 1 x max rep @ 60% (each rep locked out for full 2/1000) 1 x max rep @ 40% (each rep locked out for full 2/1000)

Rest as needed between sets of both movements. If sets require interruption at chosen weight, make as minor an adjustment as needed before continuing. When scheme is listed as “3 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight, a break in either ends a max-rep set, and “locked out” always includes a rigid stop of motion. Then, 5 rounds, decreasing one weight interval in each:

5 Dumbbell/ weighted box jump

5L, 5R Kettlebell snatch (from swing) 150 Jumprope 1 minute rest/ assessment (if performed to full ability, there should be need for both... )

Each set should be difficult, violent, and positionally sound. *Strategically select weights to allow for a one-interval decrease in each round.* Today, max jump height is 15″ W, 20″ M. Stay tall and upright, and do not allow chosen weight to break posture/ unwind bracing in take-off or landing; soft equals sketchy. And then, violently: 25 calories Airdyne/ Equivalent :15 sec. rest (keep moving, just slower... )

15 calories Airdyne/ Equivalent

Drive power from your midline, move the bike with your whole body, and empty the tank. No arms-only. And finally, “Time under tension”: L- hang/ knees-up hang + 25 5/1000 cat/ cow stretch

Use any grip you choose in hang, and switch between them as needed. Remember: Hanging in a half-bicep curl is going to make you feel a lot heavier than you are. Use global structure, not regional strength, to support a challenging position for an extended duration. Accumulate at least two minutes, and take as few breaks as possible.


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