(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R Mace shovel, 10 weighted walking lunge)
5 rounds of:
5 Mace shovel (Left)
10 Walking lunge (Mace in top shovel position- left)
5 Mace shovel (Right)
10 Walking lunge (Mace in top shovel position- right)
:20 sec. rest/ assessment
Mace shovel: Lower body starting and ending position and order of operations should be a seamless transfer from deadlift- make adjustments as needed. If suitable weight is not available, movement may also be scaled by shortening the distance between hands, always leaving the rear hand at the very end of the handle.
Lunge: Arms remain locked-out with both hands above eyeline during entire set; If lock-out fails, or becomes balance (as opposed to tension), reset briefly, find it, and continue safely. Addition of the mace does not change any foundational element of the lunge; If organized overhead position becomes involuntarily unsustainable, adjust to lunge with mace in the extended-arm position.
Goal is choosing a weight and width that taxes the shovel as well as the lunge; If one is imbalanced, make up the difference in bracing and violence.
Then, 10 minutes of:
10 Mace 360 (5L, 5R) @ powerful, accurate
5 Rocking chair @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M (or, 8kg. mace W, 10kg. mace M- alternating top hand each round)
5 Push-up/ Airplane push-up
5 breath reset (up to but not to exceed :15 sec.)
This is mid-paced, deliberate, and violent; Stay steady, assess your work, and scale to full ability. Switch top-to-bottom hand in mace 360, and make both rocking chair and push up as challenging as they can be. Scale push up as soon as 5 wiggle-free reps are no longer possible on the floor.
And then, 5 attentive, aggressive rounds (or 5 minutes) of:
5 Box jump @ (up to) 24" W, 30" M
5 Burpee/ 'Floor to feet'
100 Jumprope (no 'fancy feet' today- move hard, move fast)
No designated rest here. If needed, keep it to 3 breaths or less, no more than twice. This drill- performed attentively and violently, should take approximately 5 minutes; Goal is organized and expert completion of the task prior to expiration of the clock. Speed is not a substitute for form- even on a descending clock; In training, changing standards to save time is cheating.
Once baseline conditioning is established, this is as short and simple- or as lengthy and arduous- as your mind makes it. Box jump height is scaled to ability; Not to exceed 75% of 1RM.
And finally, “Time under tension”:
25 Kettlebell Good Morning/ Suitcase Good Morning @ minimum 1/2 BW +
50 1-arm kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M (5 x 5L, 5R) +
15 cat/ cow stretch +
15 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent cool-down
If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.