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(Specialty warm-up: 5 Kettlebell Good Morning + 3/1000 @ bottom, 5L, 5R kettlebell row, 3L, 3R kettlebell floor press, jumprope selection)

Barbell bent-over row:

10 x 5 @ (up to) 60% of Pendlay row 2RM


Kettlebell bent-over row:

10 x 3L, 3R @ self-scaled, ambitious, accurate weight

Each begins, transitions, moves, and ends exactly the same as the other; Full stand-ups, hard, accurate hinges, full-ranges, and no bounce.

From the "bottom" position of a Good Morning (hard, perfect hinge- weight off the ground), perform a braced, powerful, arm-and-upper-back-dominant row. Low body is not to move.

The addition of this variation was predicated both by people's heavy proficiency in our standard kettlebell row, AND their less-than-ideal tendency to use far more low-body power than upper-body strength in performing them. Often, in order to achieve full range in best position using the kettlebell, thumb turns in 10/15 degrees from full vertical "Pistol" position.

Barbell is always violently 'bent into a frown'.

Today: Perform 10 mace 360 (address top-to-bottom hand and direction evenly) + 3L, 3R kettlebell floor press following each set of row. Rest reasonably after three movements are complete.


15 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent sprint + 150 jumprope

Timed, and like you mean it. Arms and legs on the bike the entire time.

And then, 15 attentive, aggressive minutes of:

50 Jumprope

5 Sit-up (your choice, from our list, no more than 3 variations throughout, "GYAOTG" variations are in-play)

(Optional) 3 breath rest/ reset

Hustle, transition quickly and expertly, and accumulate as much simple, high-quality work as possible. Do not rest longer than, or outside of, designated duration.

And finally, "Time under tension":

10 x 10 Hollow rock + stand up +

15 dowel partial pull-over + 3/1000 (seated) +

15 cat/ cow stretch +

15 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent cool-down


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