(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R kettlebell bent-over row, 10 reverse lunge w/ bumper plate, 10 'Tall slam ball'
Kettlebell bent-over row/ Barbell bent-over row:
5 x 5L, 5R @ scaled to ability
5 x 7 @ (up to) 50% of Pendlay row 2RM
Each begins, transitions, moves, and ends exactly the same as the other; Full stand-ups, hard, accurate hinges, full-ranges, and no bounce.
Then, 10 rounds of:
1 Sled pull @ BW
10 Reverse lunge @ 10lb. W, 15lb. M (bumper plate held high and hard- level with chest)
10 'Tall slam ball' @ scaled to ability
5 Push-up (scaled to ability/ varied as desired)
:20 sec. rest/ assessment
Work until the rest, and only exceed :20 sec. if a sled is occupied. 'Drag' = forward, 'pull' = backward. Full steps in reverse lunge! No knees in front of toes.
And then, "Time under tension":
5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ heavy enough to be useful
15 Abmat sit-up @ 1/4 BW
15 15/1000 'Prison' Abmat sit-up
5 x 10 Hollow rock- low and hard
5 x :30 sec. hollow hold
15 cat/ cow stretch
15 calorie Airdyne/ equivalent cool-down