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Reminder prior to beginning this training week:If you have not watched through our concept, strategy, and "Lexicon" videos on the WBTV section of the site, please do so! Some of the things mentioned and described are important components of each and every progress-minded training week we ever participate in. Thank you!

Additionally: Please remember that if the training needs to be changed based on access, stress, time, etc, there are always ways to stay in the intended "progress curve" by being sure that any adjustments still adhere to the movement pattern/ rep scheme/ energy system of the designated training day! Having such a deep well of sensible scaling options always makes it possible to find and apply what we're looking for.



(Specialty warm-up: 10 dowel partial pull-over into back rack, 5L, 5R kettlebell back squat, 3L, 3R kettlebell back squat @ heavier)

Back squat:

1 x 5 @ 50% of 2RM, 5/1000 @ top

1 x 7 @ 75% of 2RM

3 x 3 @ (up to) 90% of 2RM 1 x 7 @ (up to) 75%, 5/1000 @ top Kettlebell back squat (single): 1 x 15L, 15R @ minimum 1/2 BW (scaled to full ability for an uninterrupted set) Goblet squat: 1 x 15 @ 1/2 BW If barbell sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “1 x 7″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Break kettlebell sets into no less than 5 reps, and work hard to stay at designated weights. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight, regardless of implement. Additional reminder: The "up to" allows us to work to full ability, while also assessing strategically. If 7 reps at 75% feels like the sword in the stone, there is cause to move to 80% for the first set of 3, and then adjust (or not... ), accordingly. Quality and accuracy always trump weight, and are more valuable building blocks of 'Expert Generalist' capacity. Then: 30 Kettlebell snatch (3 x 5L, 5R, or 5 x 3L, 3R) @ (up to) 1/2 BW- stopped at the top (heavy, accurate 1-arm kettlebell swing if needed) 30 Dip 30 Straight jump @ 10lb. W, 15lb. M 30 Airplane push-up 30 Hollow rock @ 25/ 35lb. W. 35/ 45lb. M

Kettlebell snatch: Weight is self-scaled, and should pose a challenge at designated rep scheme. Adjust in 6- or 10-rep intervals as needed.

Dip/ Push-up: If mechanics or range of motion fail, scale accordingly to ensure both progress and safety; Leave the ego out of the equation- excellent, scaled push-ups are far better than crappy, broken “unscaled” ones.

Airplane push-up simply begins and ends with chest/ hips on the ground (or chest resting on whatever scaled surface is needed- bench, couch, rack, wall… ) and hands off the ground; Maintain tension, set position, and move with intent. Add a plyometric element to the push-up as skill level dictates.

When rest is needed, keep it short and specific (3 breaths or less/ :15 sec).

And then, 5 minutes of: 3 Burpee 50 Jumprope Accumulate as much work as possible accompanied by as little rest as possible. Attend to breathing during jumprope, transition quickly between movements, and do not stop. Safety considered, there is value to making yourself move in simple conditioning drills. No wiggling, no wandering. Burpee should appear terrifying, not disgusting, and never resemble a cobra stretch. And finally, “Time under tension”: 5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ minimum 12kg. W, 14kg. M + 15 Airplane push-up + 15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool-down pace + 15 cat/ cow stretch


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