(Specialty warm-up: 10 kettlebell deadlift @ BW, 5 dumbbell box jump @ base weight, 1L, 1R kettlebell halo + 5/1000 extension)
Dumbbell box jump:
9, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3
Weight increases each set (denoted by commas). Begin at a moderate, challenging weight and end as heavy as possible; Each set should be difficult, violent, and positionally sound.
Today, max jump height is 15″ W, 20″ M. Stay tall and upright, and do not allow chosen weight to break posture/ unwind bracing in take-off or landing; soft equals sketchy.
Then, in order and uninterrupted:
3 x 5L, 5R Kettlebell floor press
15 Tire flip
50 Jumping pull-up
50 Abmat sit-up @ 25lb. W, 35lb. M
150 Jumprope
150 Jumping jacks
15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ 100% (arms and legs)
No rest, hard work, quality movement. Fatigue does not change position or range. "Simple" should only equate to "easy" in those that are looking for both...
If floor press positions or mechanics are not clear and second-nature, please review the YouTube video and its accompanying bullets prior to beginning.
Tire flip: Set up hard, mind position and execution, and move with force and intent. Use assistance as needed, and stay aggressive- there is absolutely no value to a casual tire flip.
If no suitable tire is available, please adjust to 15 kettlebell deadlift + 25 kettlebell swing + 15 'Floor to feet'- heavy, accurate, and powerful.
Attach, adjust, brace, and drive; The steps don’t have to take long, but they need to occur.
And then, skill work:
Mace lifts and swings
Kettlebell snatch/ variations
With the guidance of a qualified trainer (or at very least, referring to our Movement Library for details), review and practice the relevant details of each chosen lift, and work until improvement is made. Start with the basic handling and intro positions, and add weight/ difficulty as appropriate. Today, as opposed to desigating lifts, we will self-assess for our own training, and make intelligent recommendations for each member of the group based on experience and prior performance. Note: Never make the mental mistake of thinking you’re too advanced for skill work in any realm.
And finally, "Time under tension":
5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ challenging, sensible, powerful +
10 "Prison" Abmat sit-up @ minimum of :30 sec. each +
3 x :30 sec. full-effort, positionally vigilant hollow hold +
Movement/ assessment/ mobility
Abmat sit-up: Brace, move with total control and positional awareness, and take an unusually long time in each rep. If you fail, you fail. But then, you'll know.